

"Every office memo dreamed of being a love letter. If only it had the words."

There is so much beauty and depression in Me's words that always, always, draw me to his (or her? I am not sure) blog, which apparently I declare to be my favorite blog. Amidst a pool of the beautiful words are just as equally haunting black-and-white photos and nostalgic waves of unfiltered emotion post after post after post.

I may have just sounded like a TV commercial, but the point of this post is really the fact that I have been feeling like a bloody office memo for the past few weeks. For the second time in my life, I had an epiphany in a bathroom stall, of all places. And then yesterday while talking to some friends, I came upon an idea, a decision, the thought of which gives me freedom and a peace of mind.

Maybe the office memo was really a love letter in disguise. Maybe it was just waiting for the right words.

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