"So many people enter and leave your life! Hundreds of thousands of people! You have to keep the door open so they can come in!
But it also means you have to let them go!"
- Jonathan Safran Foer (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
If you want to know why there is an exclamation point after every sentence, it is because Mr. Black, the character who spoke the line in the book, aside from being old and weird-looking with a red beret and an eye patch, is deaf and had to scream everything he says.
I will tell you that the line is just one of the endless streams of wisdom in Foer's book. I most possibly have never been moved by any book as his. I fell in love with the syllogisms, the poetic verses, the unconventional typography, the illustrations. It was a novel you had to feel along with, and is not necessarily factual or scientifically correct. I think people who always try to make a sense of things wouldn't really get it. It would take some sort of madness to appreciate madness ;)
And since we're on the topic of the open door which leaves people to come and go, I chanced upon meeting a familiar face yesterday in the bathroom outside the office. It was Karen, or Yen as we all fondly call her, or Karen of Iran as we used to joke each other with (mine is Iris of Paris and I couldn't remember why we called each other that haha). We were high school classmates, and I will tell you that she is really, really pretty and smart! Anyway, I found that it was Yen's 2nd week in her new job and her office is on the same floor as ours. Hella amazing! We planned to lunch out tomorrow along with Reen and hopefully, Robee, whose office is just in the next building.
It was so cute that Yen posted our bathroom encounter in her blog, so I couldn't find it in my heart not to post as well. Haha. In exchange of the Eiffel Tower picture she posted (Iris of Paris), I will post one of the Azadi Tower in Tehran (Yen of Iran)! I am not quite sure of its symbolic attribute, but isn't it beautiful?

Azadi Tower
(photo credits goes to one of my favorite sites Beauty In Everything)
As I am now tired and sleepy and in this ungodly hour, I will have to retire in bed and know that I will wake up just as tired and sleepy. Quest-ce que le pointe?Bon nuit!
awwwwe I! hehe..let's have the lunch on Friday, k? =) i hope nothing comes up again. :)